yuro’s symphony


some current information about the MAIN characters- some edits subject to change .。*゚+

Yoora (Yuro) Odette - Yuro is a kind and laid back girl, and she always wants to meet new people. She is always interested in finding and doing new things. She tries her best to be nice to the people around her, as she knows how it feels suffer the opposite. She’s in a difficult situation right now, and just wants to do the right thing. She’s a sweet girl, who has endured a lot in her lifetime so far, but she doesn’t let it harden her. Yuro never wants to upset people, she often tries to be what people need at the time. she feels like a shape shifter, molding to other peoples wants and needs. This often leaves her feeling strange and empty, needing a change. Fortunately or unfortunately she experiences one of the biggest changes in her life after she enrolls in Heaven’s Institute, gets selected for several experiments and meets a variety of new people to connect with.

Keiro Belikova - Keiro is an older sister type girl. She is always trying to look after those around her. She tries her best to protect them. It seems keiro has never been much of a little girl, she’s always trying to take charge of situations and support those around her. She used to go about it the wrong way, but she’s redeemed herself according to many around her. Her approaches can be a bit unconventional, and she can be a bit neurotic with those she cares about. Keiro is very harsh with those she deems unfit or to not be good people, but to her that is what is right to do. Keiro is also currently wanting to find her purpose, she doesn’t want to just float around confused. She will research day and night to find out what is going on and why she is there, and she’s getting closer to it each and every day.

Ruina (Rui) Marcellaine - Ruina is a sweet young girl, she’s bubbly, and loves to make those around her laugh and be happy. She is kind of a skittish girl, and she can be very nervous. She can often be annoying or get called too loud around her peers. Ruina just wants her loved ones to know she cares about them, and would do anything for them. So, she tries her best to be good, she wants them to stay forever. Ruina has been abandoned and hurt before in her life, and that’s one of her biggest fears. She doesn’t want to lose anybody, she doesn’t want to go through that pain again. Love is the most important thing to Ruina, and she will do anything for it and to protect it.

Maja Magdalena- Maja is very reserved and quiet. She enjoys being alone, working on the things she loves. She is a dedicated scholar and spends a lot of time trying hone her crafts and absorb knowledge. She’s devoted herself to her passions, math and the harp; that’s majority of why she is living. She does not care how she’s perceived by those around her, and she practically lives in her own world. She doesn’t not care much about anything other than her little world and her very small group of loved ones. She doesn’t feel a lot of pressure to keep up with too many friends, she’s impartial to the fact. As long as she has one of two people to care for, that’s enough for her. In HEARTKNOT, those people are currently Keiro and Ruina. Maja is working on something within herself, and she is also looking for answers.

Yuro, Keiro, Ruina, and Maja are all students at Heaven’s Institute, a prestigious all girls school. They find each other in an unexpected spot at HEARTKNOT, with no past memories to help them understand the world they’ve been brought into.

information about the 3HEART characters .。*゚+

3heart are the Heads in Command and public representatives of the HEARTKNOT world, they are highly regarded as professional, sophisticated, and resilient in order to keep all of the resident sisters in line and accounted for. they are able to make decisions on behalf of ‘the HEARTKNOT’, and their opinions hold significant weight within the girls. as a token of their loyalty to HEARTKNOT; and their authority and prestige, they live opulently and abundantly, in a separate housing building than the rest of the girls. In HKRE, these 3HEART girls are superiors to most at the facility and are known by the public as very high up representatives, however they are actually at the lower echelon of the 01 foundation.

Ophelia Dupont - Ophelia is the diplomatic head of 3HEART (of HEARTKNOT). She is the voicebox of HEARTKNOT. Shortly after she was spawned, she ascended. Despite being the head girl, she is quite understanding. She doesn’t enjoy how harsh HEART can be.. but she admires the strength and support it provides to so many. She communicates with HEARTKNOT a lot. She seems HEART as a parental figure, and it helps her, she helps it. Ophelia is very compassionate. Some of the girls call her strict because she takes what HEART says and enforces it heavily, but they know Ophelia only wants the best for them. In HEARTKNOT, Ophelia’s true love is HEART. In HKRE, Ophelia still feels similarly, she ‘knows’ that HEARTKNOT is a simulation, but is always eager to join those experiments and appear there. She loves that world more than her “real” world, and the lines between the two start to fade. Ophelia was a student at Heaven’s Institute at the same time as Aito, (and like her older sister Evette); and even underwent an experiment of a simulated world similar to HEARTKNOT. She was strong enough for the 01 foundation to want to pull her from the experiment and hire her at the facility. However as time passes, Ophelia grows more and more dependent on the escape to HEARTKNOT.

Ophelia, along with Aito and Serenity appear both on HEARTKNOT and in the HKRE. Since they are the public faces of 3HEART, they are also selected to appear in many different experiments and simulated worlds.

Iroha Aito - Aito, (sometimes referred to as Iroha) is another girl of 3HEART. She is not well liked from her fellow sisters outside of 3HEART. However, she is incredibly loyal and very serious about her duties and devotions. She is a bit sycophantic, and some have seen through it. She’s not interested in how anyone sees her other than the HEARTKNOT and 3HEART. Whenever someone does something wrong, if she finds out she will confront them on behalf of HEARTKNOT, she’s a fan of public humiliation and passive aggression. Some of her sisters think it’s all a front to protect herself, but only Aito knows if this is the truth. Aito has always been a bombastic personality, and the opinions on her are very black and white. Aito used to be a student at Heaven’s Institute as well, and faced similar experiences. Aito used to be friends with Ruina, but unfortunately they had a bad falling out. This doesn’t stop Aito from trying to connect with Ruina during experiments held at the facility. In HKRE, Aito is quite similar in her behaviours in HEARTKNOT, she is dedicated to try to climb up the latter to get to the middle or highest level of the 01 foundation, and many other researchers there can tell this fact.

Serenity (Chima) Chimet - Serenity, sometimes referred to as Chima; is professional, she’s another girl of 3HEART. she doesn’t have many personal relationships other than 3HEART, not on purpose though, she cares greatly for all of her sisters and those around her. chima thinks she’s not great at expressing her emotions or conveying how she feels properly in conversation. she just focuses on her tasks that she needs to do, and spends a lot of time in the temple. Chima used to be close with Maja, but they’ve drifted apart and haven’t spoken for a while. She and Maja are similar with the fact they’re reserved and independent. Chima in HKRE was selected from Heaven’s Institute to work there after an experiment that she endured. Chima is looking to reconnect with Maja, but worries that it may be impossible due to her HKRE occupation.

information about the middle level 3HEART characters .。*゚+

Vivienne (Vivi) Lockewood - Vivienne is one of the middle level girls in the foundation, along with Evette and Lyla, they are primarily used as Voiceboxes and even a ‘Puppet’ for the highest levels. Vivienne is the daughter of a business man, a CEO for a pharmaceutical company which is heavily invested in HKRE for profits. He suggested for Vivienne to be apart of this level to bolster the HKRE image for the public. Vivienne is well loved by many, and seen as trustworthy despite her upbringing.

Evette Dupont- Evette is the daughter of two wealthy parents, and is Ophelia’s older sister. Evette was never super interested in education nor research like Ophelia, and often felt less than. Once Ophelia started excelling in school, Evette was being compared; it felt horrible as the older sister. Evette decided to take other approaches and began attempting to network with important and powerful people in order to get opportunities. She was able to get into HKRE as a middle level 3HEART, and is “above” her little sister Ophelia. Although, she still doesn’t feel satisfied, but she hates this jealousy that feels- she just wants the best for Ophelia.

Lyla Evangeline - Lyla is the daughter of the highest paying donor of HKRE and chair of the charity to fund Girls in Research. Lyla was childhood friends with Vivienne, and their parents are very close. Lyla is not interested in anything to do with HKRE at heart, but she is very charismatic and out going, and has always wanted to feel important so she is glad to take on the role of a public media face.

information about the highest level 3HEART characters .。*゚+

Mother Uxa - The founding mother of HKRE, Uxa is the mastermind of the operation. She loves those in the 01 foundation very much, and even claims to love and adore all of the pupils and those she subjects to harmful and life threatening experiments. Uxa is a mysterious entity, and her origins are something that we will need to figure out over time.

Victor Julienne Orlov - Victor is all seeing, and he is very attentive. He can often be pompous and brusque which used to upset many as he was growing up. These days he’s only really in contact with mother Uxa, Yelena, and his little sister, Yulia Orlova who he is raising. Victor also has an estranged twin brother, Yuri. Victor and Yulia think that Yuri is evil, he betrayed them in ways that many would find unforgivable. Victor hates Yuri, and Yuri hates Victor. However, Yulia wishes that they can all go back to living together and being happy once more.

Yelena Valentine - Yelena is a mature young girl, she met Victor when they were both very young and he helped her into the organization as they grew up. Yelena worked her way up to the top. She is unlike many of the others in the 01 foundation as she did not come from a well off or important family nor any dynasty. Yelena is very grateful for Victor, but even if she did not find her way into this place she would still have made something for herself. Yelena is very determined and strong headed. She is often the glue that keeps the high level together and determined to keep doing more.

some current information about side characters .。*゚+

Nurse Amelora (Ame) - Ame is one of the nurses in the HEART clinic. We don’t know much about her, but she’s quite blunt. She enjoys joking in the clinic with Haru, they’ve known each other for a very long time. However, Ame remains a bit more professional compared to Haru.

Nurse Harusette (Haru) - Haru is close friends with Ame, and Aito. Similar to Ame, we don’t know much about her yet. She loves her job at the clinic, and always finds a way to make it entertaining. Haru likes making people annoyed, she doesn’t understand why it’s rude.

Amelora and Harusette are both lower level employees at HKRE who’ve volunteered to appear in simulated experiments and enjoy their work at the facility, they were not students at Heaven’s Institute, but instead went to the neighboring sister school in the area together.