:: unravels the digital scroll and rolls out red carpet. . . ::

hello salut 你好 hola こんにちは привет 안녕하세요
welcome, i'd like to cordially invite you to my website, and i hope you enjoy your stay. welcome to my neocities blog. i hope you do not mind the primitive look, i somewhat enjoy how simple it is, and how easy it is to navigate through as well as continously edit the pages.
anyways, this site will be used as a place for me to keep lore about my developing stories and characters. i currently have two stories which are 'yuro's symphony' and 'the princess of broken teeth'. this blog may contain more things overtime but, primarily it will be used to document information about my visual novels, stories, and oc lore.
please feel free to read through all of the content on this site, you will find a lot of information on the background / lore of the characters specifically and what kind of person they are along with their names. i will soon be adding some of the concept arts and development updates once they're completed and i'm comfortable with sharing.
thank you for understanding.

development updates with images may be added very delayed as i do not want to spoil or feel compelled to keep things as i can be very fickle with my progress. (i had already completed a lot of concepts and since scrapped them.. )
you can also find information on archaedia, which is the location that the story takes place in, and archnet which is larger general location that almost all of my art takes place in. to me, the internet itself is a place to visit and "be inside of", and archnet is the small area that i am creating for others to visit and experience.
you can also find a lot of general lore about the story of the vn on the yuro's symphony tab, and that will also be getting updated and added to periodically, along with basically every other tab.
i am hoping to add an entire page on this blog for concept arts and sketches, i am unsure if i will add photos during the making or if i will wait until the first volume is out, we will see ! also i have another neocities blog that i made for fun .. you can explore and click around at inaia.neocities.org. my text tab on here are some slowly updated archive of my substack, i'm not sure if i will continue to update this tab but- you can find all recent posts on it at mossmoth.substack.com. i update that blog semi-regularly as a digital journal.